Monday 30 April 2012

Farnham Beer Exhibition 2012

Everything will pass, and the world will perish but the Farnham Beer Exhibition will remain.

Farnham Beerex rolled round again and much to my surprise some of my beers were on this time. Not sure how they got there, but a wholesaler must have been involved as I didn't deliver them.

The tokens system was even more irritating this year, with a strip now costing a fiver and each token worth 20p. The beer selection was good and it's one of my favourite festivals so I should really stop whinging but hey, I'm on a roll. So I will mention that there was a shockingly inaccurate article on Farnham hops in the programme that made me place my fist, which is rather smaller in size than a common loaf, in the mathematical centre of the maltings's little table, and with it give a bump or two thereon. Oh yes.

Back to the beers though, aside from the delights of my own, Mighty Oak was on form, and Summer Wine Teleporter got the thumbs up. The wooden spoon sadly goes to Sarah Hughes, as the normally excellent Dark Ruby Mild wasn't up to scratch and the Pale Amber was decidedly dull.

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